Steele / Stand for - Wallbox 11KW / BLACKBOX - SINGLE / BLACKBOX - DUO
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Made in Germany.
High-quality Steele pre-assembled for PLUG & PLAY wall boxes - Made in Germany - 100% manufactory production
Technical data
Steele / Stand: For your wallbox BLACKBOX - SINGLE / BLACKBOX - DUO
Steele made of stainless steel. (For details see technical data sheet Steele / stand)
Danger! Can only be ordered in conjunction with a wallbox from the BLACKBOX series (from November 2023)
DANGER! Only available when ordering a wallbox from the BLACKBOX series and not available as a single product.
Downloads & information
Technical data sheet Steele / Stand 📃
Recommended accessories
Warranty extension - up to 5 years!
Connection distributor for wall boxes
⚡Surge protection ⚡
Why a wallbox from us?
All of our wall boxes are manufactured and tested by hand. Our wallboxes are modular, which means that if something breaks after many hours of operation, you can replace each component individually and don't have to throw away the entire wallbox. This is how we create 100% sustainability -MADE IN GERMANY-
Do you have any questions, requests, suggestions or do you need individual advice and solutions? Then please contact us by phone or email